Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This is why it takes 15 mintues to leave the house in the morning....

Sometimes, friends or family will forget that it takes me longer to get somewhere.  For instance, a 5 minute drive to daycare actually takes a 15 minute "prep time".  I'm not talking about getting clothes on, going to the bathroom, or eating breakfast.  I'm talking about from the time my hand touches the doorknob to the garage to the time I start the car and drive.  15 minutes.  Part of this is the frequent stops we take on the way to the car - part of this is that he has to walk himself - and molasses moves faster.

Each morning we go outside to head to my car.  As we near the door this is how the conversation goes:

"There door.  We go Tia's?  We go Tia's?"  Yes, we're seeing Tia.
"*gasp* Mama!  We go outside?  Outside?  We go outside?"  Yes, we have to go get in the car.
"Mama!  Door open!  It open? (garage door)"  Yes, I opened it.
"*gasp* there Mama's car.  There's Oma's car.  There's Maw's car.  There's truck."  Yes.  Yes.  Yes.  Yes.
"Mama!  It rain outside?  It rain outside?"  Yep, it rained outside yesterday.  It's still wet.  See the water?
"YEAH!  It water.  It rain outside.  See aqua?  See water?"  Yep, I see it.  Okay, time to get in your chair.
"Mama! (sees a bird) There birdie!!! AHAHAHA there birdie!!!"  Yes, honey, that's a bird. 
"Mama!  Where doggie?  Doggie sleeping!  Doggie sleeping!"  That's right. The doggie's inside, he's sleeping.
"(sees neighbor) HI!!!  HellLOO!  Mama!  You see? You see?"  Yes, that's Tim and Kris, did you say hi?
"YEAH!!! HIIIIII!"  Okay.  Let's sit in your chair.
"*gasp* Mama!  Where my bubbles?"  The bubbles are inside the garage.  We'll play with them later.
"But why, Mama?"  We have to go see Tia, Abram.  Come on.  Sit in your chair.
"Okay.  *gasp* MAMA!  There plane! There plane!" Yep, I hear it too honey.  There's a plane up there.
"YEAH!  A PLANE!!!"  Okay, time to sit in your chair.
"Okay. (climbs in himself and pretends  to fall) OWWWW!"  Did you fall down, Abram?
"YEAH!  Mama.  It hurt me.  I fall down and hurt me"  Oh.  Are you okay?
"yeah.  I okay."  Well that's good.  Let's sit in your chair.
"Okay.  Whoaaaa Whoaaa Whoaaa (pretends to loose balance)"  Abram, don't fall down.  Just sit, okay?
"I fall!  I fall!!"  No, you won't fall.  Let me help you.
"NOOOOO!  I help.  It's MY chair"  Yes, it's your chair.  You can do it.

I start to buckle Abram in his car seat

"Kiss Mama?"  Awww sure!  You can give me a kiss.
"(licks my cheek) Mama!  *snicker snicker*"  Eww!  That's gross.  You're silly.
"I lick!  I lick!"  Yes, you licked Mama.  It's time to go now.

So, in conclusion, if I'm ever 15 minutes late somewhere?  I blame this entirely on my child.  Although, I realize, that this will mostly likely create a complex.

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