Saturday, July 9, 2011


Last weekend my Mom and Jim took Abram to the zoo.  He loved it, pointing out the animals, feeding the goats, he especially loved the building with the insects and reptiles (typical boy).  They bought Abram a rubber Frog with beads inside so he's more malleable.  He loves it, has to sleep with it.

He calls it his Fogckd.  Abram has a hard time with "r" sounds and is enrolled with a speech therapist for other speaking delays.  Anyways.......Fogckd sounds eriely similar to "F**ked".  He'll look at me at bedtime with these said eyes and say, "Mama where Frog? Mama where Frog?".  This actually sounds like, "Mama we're Fucked?  Mama we're Fucked?".  Needless to say it takes everything in me not to burst into laughter.  But his speech teacher, Ann, gave instruction to repeat what he says but correctly.  This is very difficult.  Luckily he doesn't normally say those words, in that order, in public.  Thank God.

I really need to videotape this for documentation.

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