Friday, July 15, 2011

My Son is a Primate

I've come to the realization that Abram has primate blood in him.  (Yes, I know, we all kind of do because of evolution blah blah blah not the point).  I have several points to this thesis.

1.  Climbing Skills:  From a very early age, I mean 11 months.  He began to climb.  At first just stairs and climbing up to a sofa etc.  This has evolved to a ridiculous point.  He climbs up this dishwasher (using only the sweat from the bottom of his feet as tools) to actually sit on the counter top.  Not to mention his monkey-like hanging behavior as seen in "ToddlerBed" post.  Towards the end of his crib days, he would actually shake the crib like a cage and jump around it.  This is exactly what monkeys do at the zoo.

2.  Grunting as Form of Communication:  His speech is slightly delayed.  I blame this on his fascination with grunting different tones and pitches as communication.  I'm probably enabling him because I learned this language.

3.  Poop Throwing:  This is very disgusting.  Those with a weak stomach should skip this.  I want to be clear that he doesn't actually "throw poop".  Before I completely potty trained him, he sometimes would take off his diaper if he had just went #2 in it to "help me".  This involved taking the diaper off and whipping it on the ground.  Often this would happen after he was in his crib for the night.  I would check on him after a little while to see poop scattered around the room, him completely naked, and doodoo wiped around his crib.   Abram would have a blank face and start repeating "eh poo eh poo eh poo eh poo".  Both creep-ed out and nauseous   But, to be fair --- this hasn't happened in a few months.  Not to say this hasn't continued to give me night terrors.

4.  Using Feet as Utencils/Hands:  If we're sitting on the couch watching a show and he's eating some fruit snacks...he never just eats them.  He sticks them in between his toes and feeds them to himself, with his feet.  Gross.  If I ask him to hand me something, he'll pick it up with his hands, come over to me, put it between his toes and then give it over to me.  Also, and this isn't exactly in this category but whatever, he will use his finger tips to stab food.  It's weird.

Thus....the conclusion of primate blood.  How else can you explain this?

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