Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Road Trip

Packed up with Mom and Abram and Myles to La Crosse to pick up some of my belongings/have visitation with his father.

On the way up Abram conked out for about 45 minutes but was overall a happy happy baby.  Keep in mind this is a 2.5 hour drive...but the reason he may have been so cheerful was that I was sitting in back with him.  There to make silly faces, there for my hair to be pulled, my skin to be stickers, my arm to be licked etc.

On the way back, this a beast of a different nature.  I was expecting Abram to sleep the whole way back, because we left La Crosse right at his nap time.  No luck.  Don't get me wrong, he was tired (more like hysterically exhausted) but he was doing everything in his power to fight it.  He was whining, screaming, crying, yelling, babbling and throwing an all-out temper tantrum.  I didn't bring toys (yes, stupid) because I thought he'd be sleeping.  So, we stopped off and picked up a book.

Mom bought the Elmo Music Player and Storybook (FYI do not buy for under 3.5 years) to keep him occupied.  It includes 4 plastic "C.D.s" with the music player.  But, it's sort of difficult to get the CD lined up right even for an adult --- you have to match it with a half-circle and it won't snap in so if you move the player at all it'll fall out and when.....REGARDLESS.....Abram cannot do it himself.  What he can do himself is take it out.  So, and I'm not exaggerating, every 90 seconds he'd say, "*squeal* mama holp (aka help) it fall dow".  So I'd reach back (I'm now in front as Myles is driving the U-Haul) and put it back for him.  90 seconds later same thing.  Then if I wouldn't respond right away, he'd repeat himself only louder.  Still not fixed and replaced?  Resorts to toddler violence(throwing CD on ground/under the seat).  This went on for 2 hours.

In conclusion, thank you Mother for providing Abram with hours of fun while still stealing the last thread of sanity I hold dear.

**NOTE:  Abram squeals before he says something, sometimes, when he wants you to know it's really important.  I think it's sort of brilliant, because everyone always looks at him when he does it.

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