Monday, July 11, 2011

The Nighttime Saga

Our nighttime routine is extensive, to say the least.  We head down at about 8 and start.  He goes potty twice, we say goodnight to all of his stuffed animals (there are 9) and this is especially important for Elmo.  Elmo likes to tickle people and his goodnight kiss is never a quick peck.  It's a series of necking and tickling and more necking and finally kissing.  After all the goodnight kisses are handed out....we focus on what's really important: the reading time.

We read 4 different books, and we read them at least twice.  But his favorite book, of the moment that is, is David  Smells.  This book talks about the 5 senses and it's probably his favorite because of what we add to it.  When the first picture shows up with David trying to pet his puppy...Abram and I "pet" eachother and say touch touch touch TOUCH!  When we see David trying to eat a yucky sucker we say num num num num EWWW!.  Etc Etc Etc.  He finds this absolutely hilarious.  He's hysterical the whole time.  But the best sense is when we smell David's stinky diaper.  We make sniffing noises and wave our hand in front of our faces saying, "P.U.!  That's so stinky!!!".  He laughs and laughs and laughs.

For everyone with a toddler, especially a boy, he will find this hilarious!  (No, I'm not a paid spokesperson...though --- I wouldn't be opposed to it...)

Finally when all this is complete, I give him a kiss and a hug and sometimes he wants Tylenol (water in a dropper...loooong story) as a stalling method.  But overall, it's only once or twice up lately after that --- and then he's down for the count.  Keep in mind this takes roughly 45 minutes.

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